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Water Wisdom

The Memory of Water

Veda Austin developed a technique called CMP , Collective Molecular Photography. She discovered that Water has a language and she communicates with water through hydroglyphs.


I was honoured to be a guest speaker during her webinar  ´Water and the Ancient Mysteries. You can find more information on her workshops and masterclasses on her website


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We are here because of water

Waters on this planet; oceans, water sources and water inside flora and fauna are polluted. We are all connected by water, now we unite for water, together we find solutions.

Our mission is to purify and vitalize our internal and planetary waters. Ancient mystics called it “Doing the Great Work”, creating a life fulfilled with meaning. We do this through providing a diverse ecosystem of tools to work locally and have impact globally.

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Dr Gerald Pollack

Dr Gerald Pollack discovered that water has a fourth phase, called EZ water.

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Water Blessings

Together with my dear friend Elizabeth van den Dries, we offer water blessings in service to Mother Earth and our oceans, rivers, lakes and internal water.  Water unites us and when we heal the water within, we help to heal the water around us.


Water and Music

The Waterblessing song by Nalini Blossom

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Dr Mauro Zappaterra

Dr Mauro Zappaterra talks about Cerebrospinal Fluid and how this internal water can be influenced by meditation.

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On this page you may find  websites or products that  I´m often asked about.

As an Amazon associate I may earn a small commision through these links.


Petri Dish

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Miron Glass spray bottle

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Miron Glass Bottle

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Connecting with the Arcturians 2

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The Origin Story

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Hydrogen Water Bottle

Hydrogen water generator bottle


 Hydrogen Water Ionizer Machine, PEM SPE  Generates Real 2000ppb Rose Gold)

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